Baby food chart for 6 months old

Weaning is one of the most exciting part of a parenting journey as you may all agree. We are parents of two beautiful kids (a preschooler and an infant) and very eager to start with this phase for our younger one. She has just turned 6 months old and has already started showing signs of interest in solid foods. With all the experience we had with our elder son and the wide variety of food we had a chance to explore, I am super excited to share it all with all the lovely parents out there. This food chart will provide an idea of a daily diet routine we have started to follow for my daughter Arya. She is loving every bit of it as we are slowing introducing her to a new taste and texture every week. Hope your kids love it too!


Breakfast (9 am – 10 am)Lunch (1 pm – 2 pm)Dinner (7 pm – 8 pm)
MonStewed Apple PureeSprouted Ragi Banana Porridge
TuesBanana PureeOats Carrot Porridge
WedPear PureeSprouted Moong Dates Porridge
ThursSweet Potato PureeOrganic Rice Porridge
FriChikoo/Sapota PureeSabudana Kheer
SatPapaya PureeSemolina Kheer
SunAvocado PureeMillet Porridge

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